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Right Balance Program

A unique journey to mastering your well-being for life

Based on the revolutionary Bartu Method® and with the power of the R200 RF Digital Generator, my program incorporates techniques that tap into the nervous system's influence to improve physical health and manage abdominal and back pain by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Intriguing, right?

This program will help you eliminate or prevent future issues such as:

• Back pain

• Chronic/Acute joint pains

• Digestive issues

• Headaches

• Inflammation

• Neurological stress

Enhance your inner regenerative abilities, reduce pain, and restore your balance.

Balancing Beam

What will you get?

Recover your physical well-being FOREVER 

by doing things you've NEVER DONE BEFORE

Our Inner Secret to Success

From the Osteopath and Psychologist Sebastian Bartu 

What Is Neuro Somatic Reprogramming®?


The term “somatic” comes from the Greek word “soma,” which means the body of a living organism as a whole (thus, tissues, muscles, nerves, breathing, movement, thoughts, sensations, emotions, language…).

The nervous state, along with posture, movement, vital attitude, and beliefs of each person, are reflected within the physical structure (soma) and the functionality of the individual.


These neurological signals or patterns affect cellular health and the function of organs, nerves, muscles, and hormones. They create a model that determines the potential of our health, strength, vitality, and physical and mental well-being.

If we do not have the neurological capacity to send the signal of relaxation to different parts of our body, we are constantly in a stressful, acidic, and destructive state.

RELAXATIONactivation of the parasympathetic state

digestion, cleansing, self-regulation, repair…

All balancing and repair processes in the body

occur when the body can relax.

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